It seems as though everyone is jumping on the “farmhouse” bandwagon these days, but I kind of think I’ve been on that wagon my whole life! (Ok, so there was that phase where I went totally “modern” and my mom and I painted my bedroom bright blue and all of my furniture was cutting edge from Ikea…) My mom always had kind of a farmhouse chic going on in our home, and something about that now just feels comfy to me. She always finds the best stuff at yard sales and second-hand stores, and she’s helped me be able to see the potential in a lot of things that I probably would’ve considered trash.
That’s why I love this little girl bedroom. It has some farmhouse vintage inspiration, and it feels like a space my little girl can grow into until she decides she needs to paint it something crazy, too, one day!
I love how affordable every item on this board is! I collect things from a variety of places, but most things here are from Wayfair, Target, Homegoods, or Amazon. I think any little girl would love a room like this! In real life, we also added a baby doll cradle area as well as a chalk board and reading nook. I also used tissue paper flowers that my mom made for my baby shower when I was pregnant, so they’re meaningful AND pretty! I don’t think I hoard sentimental things, but I do like to keep and use certain special items to make my home more personal.
We recently removed R’s crib and upgraded her to a big girl bed! I was so worried we were going to lose a ton of sleep in this phase, but it has actually been such a smooth transition! Thank goodness! This trundle bed was given to us by some friends, and it just happens to mesh perfectly with the furniture we already had. Definitely a win for us! We are so thankful they thought of us when they were getting rid of it! Here is what it looked like before with the crib...
And this is how it looks now with a big girl bed! I can’t wait for her to have a sleepover with a friend one day with that trundle, too!
A child’s room should encourage play and imagination. And let me just tell you that R has a VERY vivid imagination! I love it! She often pretends we are getting in the car going to the grocery store and buy things to make smoothies, have picnics, or see the lobsters at Wegman’s. I want her to feel like she has the space to exercise that creativity in her room - and also I don’t like having toys spread all over our house! (Am I the only one here??) I’d rather designate a space she can essentially explode her imagination and not have to worry too much about mommy stepping on her legos because they’re in the middle of the living room (even though that does still happen - we are not perfect here!).
I always told myself that I wouldn’t give in to the typical pink, girly bedroom for my little girl. In fact, when we lived in the townhouse, the nursery was completely gender neutral because we didn’t find out we were having a girl until she was born (which I highly recommend!). I really liked that gender neutral decor, but once we moved, I knew R would love something more appropriate to her personality and age. Enter the pink and baby doll accessories...and tons of books!
R’s room is definitely one of my favorites in the whole house. When I was a little girl, I would’ve loved a room with gabled ceilings, a window seat, and a play tent! It just feels perfect for a child. One day, we have big plans to raise the roof and change our entire second floor, but until then, we’ll just keep playing in this whimsical, cozy, little room!
Want to recreate this look? You can shop this post by clicking any of the links below!